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Why study moral psychology?
moral psychology [...] allows us to revisit and reevaluate ethical theories which are usually based on some common moral intuition.
Samuel J
I would like to see if moral psychology has any significant implications for [‘traditional ethical’] theories.
Anna B
Ethics [...] I was curious as to why there wasn’t much reference to psychology and studies of human behaviour but more based on intuitive theories.
Paul Theo
I was intrigued by the heavy reliance on appeals to intuition in normative arguments
Hannah M
[...] building my capacity to critique how people decide what actions are the most ethical, whilst also giving myself the time to critique my own ethical beliefs.
Chris P
if we want to create an account of morality we should be examining the thought processes that go into making a moral judgement
political conflict,
e.g. over climate change
‘the sprouts are incipient tendencies to act, feel, desire, perceive, and think in virtuous ways. Each sprout corresponds to one of Mencius' four cardinal virtues:
(propriety), and
‘Even in the uncultivated person, these sprouts are active. They manifest themselves, from time to time, in virtuous reactions to certain situations’
‘characteristic of each sprout is a particular set of emotions or attitudes’
Norden 2002 pp. 46--7, p. 74 on Mencius
‘someone suddenly saw a child about to fall into a well: everyone in such a situation would have a feeling of alarm and compassion---not because one sought to get in good with the child's parents, not because one wanted fame among their neighbors and friends, and not because one would dislike the sound of the child's cries’
Mencius, Mengzi 2A6
progress since 4th century BCE
Moral Foundations Theory
promises understanding of cultural differences
inspired much research
including moral re-framing
the Moral Foundations Questionnaire fails to exhibit scalar invariance
the theoretical underpinning of this Questionnaire---the Social Intuitionist Model---is incorrect
I wondered how morality differs amongst civilisations or how it differed through time
understanding how people come to associate more value to certain ideals/ beliefs.
Acquiring a scientific perspective on the ethics and reasons behind our actions and thoughts equips me with knowledge and theory I can apply to [...] Consumption and Sustainability
We can derive a lot of practical understanding from both psychology and the study of morality to help us interact with the world more effectively.
I hope to better understand where it [political polarisation] comes from and also maybe how it can be solved.
why certain groups in society perceive particular ethical issues to be more pressing than others
human sociality
Why are we ethical beings in the first place?
Anna R
moral psychology is a useful tool linking both science and philosophy to understand our actions and thoughts, and thus answering debates we can’t solve intuitively nor scientifically.
because we can
Reading The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt sparked my interest towards studying moral philosophy [...] my original fascination in the psychological roots of ethical concepts still remains
I studied Psychology at A Level, Ethics was my favourite module [...] and this module appears to combine them
[...] completing the chain between neurobiology and ethics.
Ben N
I can imagine that investigating the psychological literature will be rather eye opening. I am also not entirely sure what the course entails
I'm intrigued
cultural variation